Friends of Williamson County Animal Center promotes and supports quality of life for all animals and the humans who care about them by ensuring a compassionate environment and humane treatment for the animals of Williamson County.

We Value Animals.

Paw Pantry

FAIRVIEW - New Location!

Every First Saturday of the Month • 10am-noon


2017 Fairview Blvd. • Fairview, TN 37062

Williamson County residents only.


Every Third Friday of the Month • 10am-noon


1006 Grigsby Hayes Court • Franklin, TN 37064

Williamson County residents only.

To sign up to volunteer for a Paw Pantry, please click here.

Support Us!

  • Make a tax-deductible donation online

  • Mail a check to PO Box 1163, Brentwood TN 37027

  • Connect your Kroger Plus Card to FWCAC (Sign into your existing Kroger account or create new account. Then look for Williamson Animal Services or put in the following: VL546 - Williamson Animal Services, Inc.)

Volunteer With Us!

Have you ever wanted to get more involved helping animals in our community, but don’t have a lot of spare time? Friends of WCAC could use your help, once a month, once a quarter, or even once a year. We have opportunities for volunteering at lots of local festivals and events. Duties include selling T-shirts, handing out stickers and talking to people about the work we do to enhance the lives of animals at our local shelter and in our community. We will teach you everything you need to know.